Bail Bonds Jefferson County, AL – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

How fast you post bond with the help of Rush Bail Bonds in Jefferson County, AL varies from case to case. Typically, the more serious the criminal charges, the higher your bond amount. Under state law, Felony crimes are the most serious offenses and carry the higher bail amount. Misdemeanor crimes are a much less serious classification of crime, but can still carry a hefty bail. How high or low your specific bail is set by a judge and your financial situation will determine how long it will take to get out of jail. Because every case is unique, call Rush Bail Bonds Jefferson County, AL today for advice on your particular situation. Our bail agents will help guide you through this difficult experience, one step at a time.

Bail Bonding Service – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

How do I know I’m hiring the right bail bonding service? Great question. We know you have several choices when it comes to hiring a bail bonding company in Birmingham, AL. One call to Rush Bail Bonds and you will discover, we’re more than just a bail bonding service, we are in the business of helping people. Our primary focus is the well being of our clients. When know you’re calling us in the darkest time of your life and you can guarantee we will treat you with dignity and respect. We’re not here to judge you, we’re here to help regardless of your financial circumstances. In addition to our professional standards, each and every one of our bail agents is licensed with the state of Alabama. This means your agent completes a 20 hour in depth course in bail bond practices, procedures and law before they even step foot inside a courtroom or jail.

Bail Bonds Service – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

We’re a family owned and operated bail bonds service company with more than 15 years of experience. Experience is everything in this business. When you call one of our licensed and professional bail agent, you’re getting an expert in the bail bonds service business. This means you have a pro on your side to navigate the complex legal system and get your brother out of jail and on with life as quickly as possible. Each and everyone of our bail agents is licensed with the state of Alabama and has mastered a 20 hour bail bonds course on bail procedures, best practices and bail bond law.

Bail Bonding Company – Rush Bail Bonds

Bail Bonding Company Birmingham, AL. Getting arrested and booked into jail is a life changing experience- and not just for the inmate. An arrest affects an entire family and community. This is why our bail bonding company works so hard to get you or your loved one out of jail and on with their life as quickly as possible. We know you need to get back to work and your family. You need to pay your bills and tell bedtime stories to your children. You need an experienced bail bond company on your side. Rush Bail Bonds is your extended family in a crisis. We are here for you, all you have to do is call (205) 682-6001 today!

Bail Bond Company – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

Getting arrested or having a loved one booked into jail is a life changing experience. It can affect an entire community. When someone is locked up, that’s one less person being a productive member of society. It means an empty seat at the dinner table and sometimes bills go unpaid. It’s hard to show up to work, if you’re behind bars. We know you or your loved one needs to get back to their normal routine. And it all starts with getting out of jail. We’re not you’re typical bail bonding company. We are deeply rooted in the Birmingham community and have a passion to help our neighbors in times of need. This is what drives us to provide most professional and courteous bail bond services in all of Alabama.

Bail Bonding Agent – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

Why should we trust you? We understand it’s been a challenging time. Getting arrested or watching someone you love be handcuffed and put into the back of a police car can be traumatizing. We’re here to help. With more than 15 years of experience in the bail bond business, our bail bond agents have developed a respectable reputation across Birmingham, AL. We have a deep passion for helping others. We’re not just in the bail business, we’re in the business of helping people. When our neighbors thrive, we thrive too. Our mission is to get your boyfriend out of jail, so he can get back to his job, friends and you! Call us today. We understand bail bond agent requirements. We have bail agents standing by, ready to take your call!

Bail Bond Agent Requirements – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

As we mentioned, our agents are available 24/7. We never close. Our bail bonding agents are strategically located across Alabama, including right here in Birmingham, to ensure the best possible service for you. If you know you’re going to be arrested you can call us before you’re booked into jail to expedite the release process. However, more often than not, getting arrested is unexpected. If this is the case, you can call a bail agent from jail or have a loved one call on your behalf. To make this as easy as possible, we will need three key pieces of information when you call a bail agent: full legal name, where you/or loved one is being held and your inmate number.

Bail Bondsman Agent – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

Can’t I get out of jail without any help? To be honest, there are times when you may not need a bail bond agent. For example, if you’ve been arrested for your very first time and the offense is minor then you may be released on your own recognizance. This means you don’t have bail, and simply need to sign a document promising to appear for future court hearings. However, if this is not your first time in jail or you’ve been charged with a serious crime such as assault or murder then your will most likely have to post bond to get out. In this case, you may need an experienced bail bondsman agent on your side.

Bail Bond Agent – Rush Bail Bonds Birmingham

Okay. Bail has been set at $2,500. Now what? You have a couple options. Pay the entire bail amount in cash or work with a licensed bail bond agent and pay only a fraction of the total bill. For example, if your husband’s bail is set at $2,500, then you would pay Rush Bail Bonds between $250 and $375. As part of our contract, we also need collateral and a co-signer. Collateral is your way of ensuring you can pay the total bail amount should the accused fail to show up to future court hearings. We accept collateral in all shapes in sizes: vehicles, property, stocks and even jewelry! Once we have signed a contract and you’ve paid the small service fee, we can begin to get your husband or loved one out of jail. Our fee is non-refundable.